Ms Silverlight Install

Microsoft silverlight download windows 10

  1. How To Install Microsoft Silverlight On Pc
  2. Microsoft Silverlight Download Windows 10
  3. Ms Silverlight Silent Install
  4. Ms Silverlight Install Windows 7
  5. How To Install Silverlight On Windows 10

There are couple of ways to check if Microsoft Silverlight is installed on your Windows computer. This post explains both the methods with examples.

Programs and Features console

  • Microsoft Silverlight is a browser plugin that you will need to be able to playback Mediasite lectures in your web browser. It is strongly advised that you uninstall previous versions and do a fresh installation rather than upgrading as conflicting installations can otherwise occur.
  • Upgrade to another version of Microsoft Silverlight. Uninstall Microsoft Silverlight. Microsoft Silverlight does not work as expected. Attempts to restart the computer and try to upgrade, install or uninstall Microsoft Silverlight again end in the same results. This issue can occur if an existing installation or uninstall has become corrupt.

The installation will start. Install Silverlight. If you are running the Windows Vista operating system, you will be prompted for security permissions. To continue, you need to approve. Click 'Install now' after reviewing the license agreement and privacy statement. Once installed you will need to restart your browser. Enabling Silverlight. If you want to check the installation from CMD, the below command can be used. Wmic product get caption findstr /C:'Microsoft Silverlight'. What this command does is, it gets the list of software installed on the system and then searches for silverlight among the list.

This console shows all installed software on your system and also features available on your Windows installation that you can enable as add-on. You can look for Microsoft Silverlight among the listed items, sort the list by name column so that you can quickly look it up. On my windows box, it shows up as below.

How To Install Microsoft Silverlight On Pc

WMIC command

Microsoft Silverlight Download Windows 10

If you want to check the installation from CMD, the below command can be used.

What this command does is, it gets the list of software installed on the system and then searches for silverlight among the list.

Example when Silverlight was installed on the computer

Example when Silverlight was not installed
It prints blank line when it does not find the specified software in the list.

Get Silverlight version

We can use ‘get version’ with WMIC command to find the version of silverlight installed on the computer.

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How to uninstall Microsoft Silverlight

There are couple of ways to check if Microsoft Silverlight is installed on your Windows computer. This post explains both the methods with examples.

Programs and Features console

This console shows all installed software on your system and also features available on your Windows installation that you can enable as add-on. You can look for Microsoft Silverlight among the listed items, sort the list by name column so that you can quickly look it up. On my windows box, it shows up as below.

WMIC command

If you want to check the installation from CMD, the below command can be used.


What this command does is, it gets the list of software installed on the system and then searches for silverlight among the list.

Example when Silverlight was installed on the computer

Ms Silverlight Silent Install

Example when Silverlight was not installed
It prints blank line when it does not find the specified software in the list.

Get Silverlight version

Ms Silverlight Install Windows 7

How to install microsoft silverlight on pc

We can use ‘get version’ with WMIC command to find the version of silverlight installed on the computer.

How To Install Silverlight On Windows 10

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How to uninstall Microsoft Silverlight

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