Apache Httpclient 4.5 Ssl Example

  1. Apache Httpclient
  2. Apache Httpclient 4.5 Ssl Example Code
  3. Apache Httpclient 4.5 Ssl Example Free

An example that executes HTTP requests from multiple worker threads. Custom SSL context; This example demonstrates how to create secure connections with a custom SSL context. Preemptive BASIC authentication; This example shows how HttpClient can be customized to authenticate preemptively using BASIC scheme. HttpClient Overview. The Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is perhaps the most significant protocol used on the Internet today. Web services, network-enabled appliances and the growth of network computing continue to expand the role of the HTTP protocol beyond user-driven web browsers, while increasing the number of applications that require HTTP support.

  • Apache HttpClient Tutorial

Apache httpclient 4.5 ssl example Apache HttpComponents – HttpComponents HttpClient Examples, This example demonstrates how to process HTTP responses using a demonstrates how to create secure connections with a custom SSL An example that executes HTTP requests from multiple worker threads. How to Use Apache HttpClient 4.5 for Https Connections Posted on the 13 February 2017 by Abhishek Somani @somaniabhi This is a simple example on how to use Apache HttpClient 4.5 with connection pool manager to request https urls.

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Using Secure Socket Layer, you can establish a secured connection between the client andserver. It helps to safeguard sensitive information such as credit card numbers, usernames, passwords, pins, etc.

You can make connections more secure by creating your own SSL context using the HttpClient library.

Follow the steps given below to customize SSLContext using HttpClient library −

Step 1 - Create SSLContextBuilder object

SSLContextBuilder is the builder for the SSLContext objects. Create its object using the custom() method of the SSLContexts class.

Step 2 - Load the Keystore

In the path Java_home_directory/jre/lib/security/, you can find a file named cacerts. Save this as your key store file (with extension .jks). Load the keystore file and, its password (which is changeit by default) using the loadTrustMaterial() method of the SSLContextBuilder class.

Step 3 - build an SSLContext object

An SSLContext object represents a secure socket protocol implementation. Build an SSLContext using the build() method.

Step 4 - Creating SSLConnectionSocketFactory object

SSLConnectionSocketFactory is a layered socket factory for TSL and SSL connections. Using this, you can verify the Https server using a list of trusted certificates and authenticate the given Https server.

You can create this in many ways. Depending on the way you create an SSLConnectionSocketFactory object, you can allow all hosts, allow only self-signedcertificates, allow only particular protocols, etc.

To allow only particular protocols, create SSLConnectionSocketFactory object by passing an SSLContext object, string array representing the protocols need to be supported, string array representing the cipher suits need to be supported and a HostnameVerifier object to its constructor.

To allow all hosts, create SSLConnectionSocketFactory object by passing a SSLContext object and a NoopHostnameVerifier object.

Step 5 - Create an HttpClientBuilder object

Create an HttpClientBuilder object using the custom() method of the HttpClients class.

Step 6 - Set the SSLConnectionSocketFactory object

Apache httpclient 4.5 ssl example code

Set the SSLConnectionSocketFactory object to the HttpClientBuilder using the setSSLSocketFactory() method.

Step 7 - Build the CloseableHttpClient object

Build the CloseableHttpClient object by calling the build() method.

Step 8 - Create an HttpGet object

The HttpGet class represents the HTTP GET request which retrieves the information ofthe given server using a URI.

Create a HTTP GET request by instantiating the HttpGet class by passing a string representing the URI.

Step 9 - Execute the request

Apache Httpclient

Execute the request using the execute() method.


Following example demonstrates the customization of the SSLContrext −

Apache Httpclient 4.5 Ssl Example Code


Apache Httpclient 4.5 Ssl Example Free

On executing, the above program generates the following output.

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