Silverlight Update 2020

If user has silverlight: load silverlight feature, else load static image. We can all see where its going, as most people use Windows based OS' with auto updates on, add Silverlight to updates = everyone can run Silverlight, which pwns Flash and its 'Click here to install Flash' option. Its just a matter of when. Microsoft Silverlight (64-bit) is a cross-platform, cross-browser, and cross-device plug-in for delivering the next generation of media experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web. Microsoft Silverlight will reach the end of support on October 12, 2021. Silverlight development framework is currently only supported on Internet Explorer 10 and Internet Explorer 11, with support for Internet Explorer 10 ending on January 31, 2020. There is no longer support for Chrome, Firefox, or any browser using the Mac operating system.

Anytime, Anywhere Access to the Latest in Diabetes Research, Prevention and Care.

Stay informed with the latest, cutting-edge advances in diabetes research and the most informative diabetes programs and proven education strategies from the world’s largest meeting dedicated to diabetes, hosted by the American Diabetes Association®.

With the 80th Scientific Sessions OnDemand, you’ll have anytime, anywhere, any-device access to more than 800 presentations from this year’s five-day 80th Scientific Sessions: A Virtual Experience. OnDemand lets you delve deeper into findings from five cutting-edge clinical trials and view nine Special Addresses and Award Lectures—all on your own time and terms.

OnDemand’s extensive digital library has 325 hours of diabetes sessions, special addresses, clinical trials, awarded lectures and more popular meeting content—including the latest data from the eValuation of ERTugliflozin Efficacy and Safety CardioVascular Outcomes Trial (VERTIS-CV). All of this valuable diabetes insight and content can be accessed with OnDemand until September 10, 2020—and an additional two-year upgrade is also available.

80th Scientific Sessions On Demand

Start Learning Today!


Order Now

Virtual Attendee Upgrade Available!

Attendee Price: $100


OnDemand Lets You:

  • Watch any sessions you missed or want to revisit—on your time and terms
  • Bookmark your favorite presentations and use advanced search to find the topics and sessions you’re most interested in
  • Download MP3 audio files to take the learning with you on the go
  • Learn from renowned thought leaders in the field of diabetes
  • Discover the latest advancements in high-quality patient care
  • Review findings from five cutting-edge clinical trials and nine Special Addresses and Award Lectures
  • Easily sync across all your devices

Vital Session Topics Include:

  • Diabetes Devices and Digital Technologies
  • Automated Insulin Delivery Systems
  • Sexual Dysfunction in Diabetes
  • The Banting Exchange
  • Unraveling the Heterogeneity in Type 2 Diabetes
  • Cardiorenal–Metabolic Axis in Diabetes

Features of the 80th Scientific Sessions On Demand

Sync across all your devices

On Demand Session Listing

Session Types:

Case Studies

Behavioral Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Education, and Exercise

Current Issues

Acute and Chronic Complications

Debate-Drawing the Line between Primary and Secondary Prevention-Necessary or Too Simplistic?

Debate-Microvascular and Macrovascular Complications of Diabetes Are Distinct Pathophysiologic Entities

Debate-Reconciling Guideline Recommendations for Cardiovascular Risk and Disease Management in Type 2 Diabetes


Clinical Diabetes/Therapeutics

Debate-Is There a Current Place for Sulfonylureas in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes?

Debate-Primary Cardiovascular Prevention with SGLT2 Inhibitors or GLP-1 Receptor Agonists-Are We Ready for Prime Time?

Debate-Should the Artificial Pancreas Be Single or Dual Hormone?

Debate-The Use of Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus-Is There Value?

Weekly Basal Insulin-The Wave of the Future?


Acute and Chronic Complications

Debate-Technology Alone Can Solve the Problem of Hypoglycemia in Diabetes

Is a Routine Lipid Panel Sufficient for Determining Cardiovascular Risk?

Sex Differences in Renal and Cardiovascular Disease in Diabetes

Male Sexual Dysfunction in Diabetes

The Future Is Now-Designing Smarter Trials for Cardiovascular Protection in Diabetes

Functional Outcomes in Diabetic Foot following Amputation

Behavioral Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Education, and Exercise

Improving Type 1 Diabetes Management in Young Adults-Time to (Re)Strategize?

2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans

The Weight-Neutral Approach in Diabetes Management

Creative Mealtime Boluses for Pumps and Multiple Daily Injections

Women’s Interprofessional Network of the ADA (WIN ADA)-Finding Equilibrium-Rethinking “Work-Life Balance” to Maintain Personal Wellness

Clinical Diabetes/Therapeutics

Female Sexual Dysfunction in Diabetes-Therapeutic Interventions

Strategies and Tools to Improve the Transition from Pediatric to Adult Diabetes Care

Diabetes and Pregnancy and the Use of Oral Agents


Diabetes and Genetic Predictors in Ethnically Diverse Populations

Debate-Can We Rely on Nutrition Science for Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease?


Bioengineered Cell Therapy for Diabetes

Combination Immunotherapy to Preserve Beta-Cell Function in Type 1 Diabetes

Insulin Action/Molecular Metabolism

The Randle Debate-The Effects of Dietary Carbohydrate, Fat, and Calorie Intake on Metabolic Disease

Integrated Physiology/Obesity

Debate-Metabolic Changes Related to Alteration in Circadian Rhythm

The Banting Exchange-Diabetes Discovery-How the Past Informs the Future

Islet Biology/Insulin Secretion

Oral Presentations

Acute and Chronic Complications

Cardiovascular Risk Evaluation and Mitigation in Diabetes

Cellular Mechanisms of Atherogenesis in Diabetes-New Insights (With Edwin Bierman Award Lecture)

Complications of Neuropathy

Diabetic Dyslipidemia

Hypoglycemia-Heart and Mind (With ADA Presidents’ Select Abstract Presentation)

Limb Salvage-Cell Therapy to Care-Delivery Systems (With Roger Pecoraro Award Lecture and ADA Presidents’ Select Abstract Presentation)

Hypoglycemia-Guts and Garters

Firsthand Look at Provoking Translational and Clinical Studies in Diabetic Kidney Disease (With ADA Presidents’ Select Abstract Presentation)

Clinical Management of and Novel Biomarkers for Diabetic Retinopathy

Behavioral Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Education, and Exercise

Innovative Behavioral and Psychosocial Interventions in Diabetes (With ADA Presidents’ Select Abstract Presentation)

Metabolic and Cardiovascular Health Impact of Exercise and Fitness in Obesity and Diabetes

The Far-Reaching Field of Clinical Nutrition-Food Insecurity, Famine, Fasting, and Fat Intake

Delivering Patient and Professional Diabetes Education across Diverse Populations

Clinical Diabetes/Therapeutics

Addressing Challenges to Diabetes Care Delivery

SGLT Inhibitors

Pediatric Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity

Glucose Monitoring and Sensing

End of silverlight

I Got You, Babe (With Norbert Freinkel Award Lecture)

Effective Diabetes Care-At What Cost?

Other Therapeutic Agents

Always Be My Baby-Diagnosing and Treating Diabetes during and after Pregnancy

Insulin Delivery Systems

Insulin Therapies

Preventing Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes (With ADA Presidents’ Select Abstract Presentation)

Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Potpourri

Incretin-Based Therapies


Advances in Type 2 Diabetes Treatment-Are We Making an Impact?

Diabetes Prediction, Prevention, and Control-Are We Making Progress?

Genetics of Type 2 Diabetes and Identifying Targets

Diabetes across the Lifespan


Improving Transplant Outcomes

Novel Insights into the Autoimmunity of Diabetes (With ADA Presidents’ Select Abstract Presentation)

Preclinical Studies in Animal Models of Diabetes

Refined Glycemic Phenotypes in the Transplant Setting

Insulin Action/Molecular Metabolism

Adipose Biology

Liver Metabolism and Disease (With ADA Presidents’ Select Abstract Presentation)

Peripheral Insulin Action

Integrated Physiology/Obesity

The Guts of Obesity

Obesity Treatment and Weight Loss-The Causes and Consequences

Integrative Physiology of the Brain, Gut, and Pancreas

Central Control of Feeding and Metabolic Homeostasis

Integrative Physiology-Muscling in on Liver

Regulation of Hepatic Metabolism and Hepatokine Action

Islet Biology/Insulin Secretion

It Takes Teamwork-Beta-Cell Organelles

Stressing Out the Beta Cell

Identity Crisis? Maintaining and Manufacturing Beta Cells (With ADA Presidents’ Select Abstract Presentation)

A (Dys)functional Family-Insulin and Glucagon Secretion

Professional Interest Group Discussion

Acute and Chronic Complications

Professional Interest Group Discussion on Foot Care-Realistic Approaches to Reduce Diabetic Foot Infections

Professional Interest Group Discussion on Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease- Hot Topics in Diabetes Cardiovascular Disease Management

Behavioral Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Education, and Exercise

Professional Interest Group Discussion on Exercise Physiology-The Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity (MoTrPAC)

Professional Interest Group Discussion on Behavioral Medicine and Psychology-The Value Proposition for Behavioral Health- Examples of Effectively Making the Case

Clinical Diabetes/Therapeutics

Professional Interest Group Discussion on Clinical Centers and Programs-Frequently Encountered Glycemic Management Issues without Clear Guidelines

Professional Interest Group Discussion on Diabetes in Youth-Do-It-Yourself-/-Do-It-Together- (DIY/DIT) Closed-Loop Systems in Youth


Professional Interest Group Discussion on Public Health and Epidemiology-Diabetes and Built Environment


Professional Interest Group Discussion on Immunology, Immunogenetics, and Transplantation-Next Generation in Immunotherapy in Type 1 Diabetes

Islet Biology/Insulin Secretion

Professional Interest Group Discussion on Clinical Centers and Programs-Frequently Encountered Glycemic Management Issues without Clear Guidelines

Special Lectures and Addresses


Kelly West Award for Outstanding Achievement in Epidemiology Lecture


Acute and Chronic Complications

Doing Better for Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Diabetic Foot Management-Care Strategies for the Primary Care and Medical Teams

Reduction of Hypoglycemia by New Therapies in Clinical Trials-Overestimated, Underestimated, or Both?

Clinical Management of Diabetic Neuropathies in 2020

DAPA-HF Update-Have We Lost SGLT2 Inhibitors to Cardiologists?!

Dilemmas in Diabetic Foot Infection Management

Cardiorenal–Metabolic Axis in Diabetes

Update on Lipid-Lowering Drugs

New Perspectives on Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis and Treatment

Joint ADA/ASN Symposium-Targeting Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD)-Are We Ready for Precision Medicine Trials?

Hypoglycemia-All about the Brain

Silverlight Update 2020

Novel Approaches for Cell and Tissue Interrogation-Using the Kidney as a Model

Results of the eValuation of ERTugliflozin EffIcacy and Safety CardioVascular Outcomes Trial (VERTIS-CV)

Behavioral Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Education, and Exercise

Using Technologies to Track Physical Activity and Improve Health

Taking the Technology Plunge-Integrating Digital Technology into Practice

Culinary Medicine-Its Role in the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity, Diabetes, and Metabolic Syndrome

ADA Education Recognition Program Symposium-Clinical Considerations for Safe, Cultural, Spiritual, and Therapeutic Fasting among People with Diabetes

Maximizing Long-Term Weight Loss Maintenance with Lifestyle Changes

Inpatient Diabetes Care and Education-What Does the Evidence Tell Us?

Diabetes Devices and Digital Technologies-Who Does It Help the Most (and Least)? (With Richard R. Rubin Award Lecture)

Myosteatosis-What Happens When Skeletal Muscle Is Marbled Like Steak?

Lifestyle Interventions for Type 2 Diabetes Remission

Strength-Based Approaches in Diabetes Care-Challenging the Deficit Model

Addressing Care Gaps-New Frontiers for Diabetes Nutrition Providers and Services

Utilizing Diabetes Technology in the Real World-Tools of the Trade

Disparities in Diabetes and Diabetes Care-What Can We Do about It?

Physical Activity and Diabetes-When, How Much, Insulin Adjustments, and More

Diabetes Meets the Sandman-Sleep, Diabetes, and Glycemic Management

Clinical Diabetes/Therapeutics

Ethnic and Racial Disparities in Maternal, Perinatal, and Neonatal Mortality

Update on Heart Failure for the Diabetologist

Transitions in Diabetes

Which Diet Is Best for Treatment of Diabetes and Obesity?

The Next Generation of Automated Insulin Delivery Systems for Persons with Type 1 Diabetes-Four New Clinical Trials

Expanding the Use of Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Pediatric Settings

Tailoring Treatment Options Based on Diabetes Comorbidities

Can Taxes Alter Dietary Behaviors and Outcomes?

ADA Diabetes Care Symposium-Long-Term Perspectives on Study and Care of Diabetes

Joint ADA/ISPAD Symposium-Hemoglobin A1C vs. Time-in-Range as the Primary Metric in Pediatric Diabetes?

Diabetes in Sub-Saharan Africa-Challenges and Opportunities

Adjunctive Glucose-Lowering Therapies for Adults with Type 1 Diabetes-Evidence

ADA Diabetes Symposium-Unraveling the Heterogeneity in Type 2 Diabetes

Low-Carb Diets in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes-Pros and Cons

Menopause and Diabetes

What Will Be the Impact of Proposed Health Policy Changes on Diabetes Care?

How Do GLP-1 Receptor Agonists Provide Cardioprotection?

Update from the TEDDY Study

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, and Diabetes

Fetal Sex and Pregnancy Outcomes

Chinese Diabetes Society Symposium-Novel Antidiabetic Approaches and Potential Targets

Interpreting Cardiovascular Outcomes Trials-Implications for Practice

The Year in Review-Highlights of the Past Year in Basic, Translational, and Clinical Science

SGLT2 Inhibitors-How Do They Reduce Cardiorenal Disease?


Biobanks and Electronic Health Records in Diabetes Care and Research

The “Legacy Effect” in Diabetes-Are There Long-Term Benefits of Short-Term Tight Glycemic Management?

Returning Genetic Results to the Patient with Diabetes

NIDDK Symposium-Spanning from Genes to Improving Clinical Care across Translational Valleys

Population Health Efforts in the Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes

From Genome-Wide Association Studies to Multiomics-Defining Diabetes Risk and Clinical Relevance

Twenty Years of Pediatric Diabetes Surveillance-What Do We Know and Why It Matters-The SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study

Perspectives on the Future of Precision Diabetes Medicine-A Joint ADA/EASD Symposium

New Data on Clinical Outcomes from the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS)


Functional Cure of Type 1 Diabetes-Where Shall We Take the Islet Cells From?

Engaging the Immune System to Protect Beta Cells

The Microbiome in Type 1 Diabetes-Where Are We Now?

Pancreas Transplantation-Why Aren’t We Doing More?

Joint ADA/Diabetes UK Symposium-Islet Transplantation-Quo Vadis?

The Human Pancreas in Type 1 Diabetes

Immune Intervention During the Stages of Type 1 Diabetes Development-Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet

Insulin Action/Molecular Metabolism

Adipose Innervation

Metabolic Tracing in Nutrition, Diabetes, and Cancer

Lipid Signaling and Lipidomics

Immunity, Metabolism, and Diabetes

Effect of Metabolic Stress on Insulin Action

Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)-Emerging Concepts and Opportunities

Inter-organ Cross Talk in Physiology and Metabolic Disease

Integrated Physiology/Obesity

The Best Strategy for Diabetes Remission Using Obesity Treatments Is…

Bariatric Surgery-What Is New, and What Lessons Have We Learned?

The Impact of Environmental Temperature on Metabolic Regulation

The New Physiology-Organs in a Dish-Promises, Pitfalls, and Potential Clinical Applications

Mind the Clock-Timing of Feeding in the Control of Metabolic Health

New Insights from the Restoring Insulin Secretion (RISE) Study-Differences between Adults and Youth with Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes

Physiological Mechanisms of Remission of Type 2 Diabetes

Joint ADA/EASD Symposium-Leveraging Metabolism to Prevent, Treat, or Cure Type 1 Diabetes

Cognitive Function in Obesity and Appetite Regulation

Economic Drivers of Obesity Treatment-From Individuals to Systems

Islet Biology/Insulin Secretion

What’s New with Beta-Cell Replacement?

Slicing and Dicing-Prohormone Processing in Diabetes

Orchestrating the Islet-Structural and Functional Interactions

The Islet under Duress in Type 1 Diabetes

Not Your Grandmother’s Transcription Factors-New Insights into Genomic Regulation of Beta-Cell Function

Trouble in the Neighborhood-Endocrine/Exocrine Interactions in Diabetes

It’s All in the Timing-Time and Age-Related Changes in Islet Function

What’s New with GLP-1?

About the 80th Scientific Sessions On Demand

The American Diabetes Association®(ADA) has partnered with Wolters Kluwer to produce and offer the 80th Scientific Sessions On Demand product. The 80th Scientific Sessions On Demand is an online library with key sessions from the 80th Scientific Sessions Virtual Experience that you can watch anytime, anywhere. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn and access the latest and groundbreaking science in diabetes.

How to Access Content

To access On Demand, you will need the access code that was sent to you from If you purchased before the meeting, your access code will be sent during the meeting. If you purchased after that, your access code was sent immediately after purchase.

If you do not receive your receipt by email with the access code, please check your junk mail. If you need your access code resent, please contact and provide the email address that was used to purchase On Demand.

Once you click on your access link, you will be prompted to log-in. If you have purchased a previous year of On Demand, please log-in with your existing username/password or you can register for a new account. You will then have access to your On Demand sessions.

Returning Visitors to On Demand

On subsequent visits, you do not need your personalized access link. You can simply go to and login with your existing username/password.

Forgot your username or password?

If you have forgotten your On Demand username or password, click Forgot username/password on the log-in page. Enter the email address that you used when you registered your On Demand access link and we will send your username and instructions on resetting your password. For security reasons, passwords cannot be emailed.


How do I play a session?

Content must be played at the presentation level. On the homepage, you can browse content by the meeting schedule, session, presentation or presenter. You must continue making selections until you are at the presentation level. When you see a presentation of interest, click on the View Now button. You can also search for specific content by using the search tab.

What is the difference between Basic Search and Search Content of Slides?

Basic Search searches session titles, presentation titles, and speaker names and will display the results from any of those three categories containing your search term. If you select a session from the results list, it will display all the presentations in that session (even though your search term may not be in every presentation title).
Search Content of Slides searches every word on every slide in every presentation. The results are ordered by the number of times your search term shows up in the presentation. In addition, the search results display the time stamp when your search term appears in the presentation. You can go directly to that point of the presentation by clicking on the time stamp. You must be online to use the search content of slides.

Silverlight Update 2020

Are there thumbnail/preview slides?

Yes, to view the thumbnails, you must be watching a presentation in full-screen mode. To get to full-screen mode, place your mouse over the video window while you are playing a presentation and a control panel will appear. Select the icon with box and arrow in the top right corner. The presentation will go into full-screen mode and thumbnails will appear on the bottom of the screen.

Will the player remember where I left off in a presentation?

Yes, if you have begun watching a presentation, the player will automatically start at the place you stopped regardless of what device you are on. In other words, if you start watching a presentation on your work computer, you can immediately start playing at the place you stopped watching on your tablet or phone. To see a list of presentations that you have recently watched, Browse by Recently Viewed.

I can’t hear the presentation. How do I fix that?

You may have up to three places that control the volume. Within the video window (place your mouse over the video window and there is a volume control on the bottom right), on your computer and on your speakers if you have external speakers.

How do I download presentations?

Neither the presentation slides nor the videos can be downloaded. Presenters typically prefer to not have their presentations be downloadable. You can, however, download MP3s of the audio only when you are logged into the online version.

Do I have to be online to watch presentations?

Your purchase includes a drive that will be automatically sent to you. The portable drive contains the same presentations as the online version, but you do not have to be online to watch the presentations on the portable drive. If you do not have Silverlight or an HTML5 compatible operating system/browser, you may need to be online the first time you use the portable drive to download Silverlight at Microsoft Silverlight.
Please note: While the same presentations are available on the drive, certain functionality is not available on the drive including Search Content of Slides, Bookmarks, Testing, Most Watched and Most Liked. To access these features you must use the online version of your player.

How do I watch presentations on my mobile device?

On Demand is automatically formatted to play on most mobile devices. Simply log-in on your mobile device. We cannot guarantee compatibility with every mobile device as operating system requirements are constantly changing.
You must be online to stream sessions on your mobile device. Sessions cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Most sessions should work over 3G/4G in addition to Wi-Fi, however, the quality will depend on the bandwidth available at any given location and time.
Please note: Testing is not available on your mobile device.

How long will I have online access?

Sessions will be available online for two years from the date of the meeting. You can access sessions on your drive indefinitely, but not all features are available on the drive, including Search Content of Slides, Testing, Bookmarks, Most Watched and Most Liked.

I can’t find the session I want to watch, but it was listed as part of the product. How do I find it?

We can only publish presentations with speaker permission, which can change at any time. We do our best to keep the content list up-to-date; however printed materials may not reflect the most accurate content listing if a speaker has requested that their presentation not be published after the content list was printed.

I still need help. Who do I contact?

You can contact or call us at 818-844-3299 (Toll Free 800-501-2303). Support Hours of Operation are 6:00 AM – 5:00 PM PT.

To obtain Continuing Education credit

Certificates of continuing education are available to health care professionals who participate in this continuing education activity, based upon completion of an online activity evaluation. The link to the online evaluation will be emailed to those who purchase the OnDemand product. The continuing education evaluation system will be open through June 26, 2022. After this date, continuing education credits will not be available. For questions please contact

Refund Policy

The Following Conditions Apply:

If CME credit is available and has been claimed, a refund will not be permitted

For products that include physical CD’s, thumb drives or hard drives, these items must be returned to Wolters Kluwer before a refund can be processed.

If the original was purchased with an offer for a premium such as a gift card, the premium must be returned, or a partial refund may be granted that excludes the value of the premium.

Refunds will be permitted within 30 days of receiving online or digital access to your product.

System Requirements

Operating Systems

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows 10

Windows Server 2008

Windows 8

Windows 7

Windows Vista

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or later

Microsoft Edge


Mac OS X 10.5.7 or later

Web Browser Extension

Microsoft Windows

Adobe Flash

Microsoft Silverlight 5 or later

Google Chrome


Adobe Flash

Microsoft Silverlight 5

Web Browsers

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or later

Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome



Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome

Mobile & Tablet Devices

Blackberry (On-Demand MP4 Playback Only)

Blackberry OS 10.0 or later

PlayBooks for QNX devices

Blackberry browser

Wi-Fi or cellular data connection (3G or higher)

Android (Mediasite 6.0.2 or later)

Android 4.0 or later (on-demand)

Android 4.4.x (live)

*Note: Android live support is limited to Dolphin browser on HLS capable Android devices running 4.4.x (KitKat), and the Mediasite EVP Server must be at version 7.0.10 or later. Android™ 4.0 or later (on-demand)

Android browser

Wi-Fi or cellular data connection (3G or higher)

Microsoft Surface

Windows 8 or 8.1

Internet Explorer 10.0 or later

Wi-Fi or cellular data connection (3G or higher)

Silverlight End Of Life


iPad 2 or later

iOS 6.1 or later

Apple Mobile Safari

Update Microsoft Silverlight

Wi-Fi or cellular data connection (3G or higher)


iPhone 4.0 or later, iPod Touch 4th generation or later

iOS 6.1 or later

End Of Silverlight

Apple Mobile Safari

How To Install Silverlight On Windows 10

Mediasite Mobile App

Silverlight Update 2020 Youtube

Wi-Fi or cellular data connection (3G or higher)

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